
The functioning of the quality management system of medical activity is impossible without information about the quality of medical care and its affordability. For the purpose of objective evaluation in the scientific literature, it is proposed to define criteria with the subsequent selection of the most significant indicators for each criterion. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the criteria for the affordability and quality of palliative care are regulated by a number of regulations (both at the Federal and regional levels). This publication presents a simulation of the classification of the above criteria in accordance with the principles described in scientific sources. As a result of the study, it was found that the indicators are fixed in the normative field, since they assume an exact value expressed in different units of measurement; evaluation and comparison of a number of indicators causes difficulties due to the fact that they are expressed in absolute values; there are no criteria for directly provided palliative medical care.

Full Text

В научной литературе описан ряд подходов к классификации критериев качества медицинской деятельности [1; 2; 3; 4, с. 20–23; 5, с. 74–78; 6, с. 44–47; 7, с. 3–5; 8; 9] (рисунок 1).

About the authors

M. E Kolomiychenko

National Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, Russian Federation



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