No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Evaluation of the efficiency of introducing a new algorithm for routing patients with suspected malignant neoplasms in the city polyclinic of Moscow
One of the main problems of modern healthcare is the high incidence of malignant neoplasms and the insufficiency of their early detection. In order to improve the early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms, a new algorithm for routing patients with suspected malignant neoplasms was tested and implemented in the City Polyclinic No. 210 DZM. The results of the implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of a new pilot algorithm for routing patients with suspected cancer to improve the early detection of oncopathology showed that polyclinic doctors positively assess the implementation of the new algorithm, while noting a reduction in the time to perform all routine actions in relation to these patients. The results of the patient survey in 2021 (compared to a similar study in 2019) showed that the majority of patients positively assessed the introduction of a new algorithm for routing patients with suspected cancer
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):4-10
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Managing the availability of blood components for patients undergoing surgery under a cardiopulmonary bypass
Managing the availability of blood components in a multidisciplinary hospital providing surgical care is both determinant of quality treatment and safety risk. In this article the availability of blood components is considered within the context of high-tech medical care, including cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (CPB). The study was performed on the basis of Interregional Clinic and Diagnostic Center (hereinafter referred to as ICDC), which holds the predominant position in the Republic of Tatarstan in the area of high-tech medical care. ICDC is a top ten Russian medical centers by the number of medical cases. Currently, open-heart surgery under CPB is widespread. The prevention and treatment of hematologic disorders in correcting heart disease remains one of the contemporary challenges of trans-fusiology and cardiac surgery, despite the improvements in surgical techniques, the increasing development of perfusion science, and the growing possibilities of intensive care. A retrospective analysis of haemostasis in 160 patients operated under cardiopulmonary bypass in the cardiac surgery units of ICDC between 2017 and 2020 was carried out.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):11-15
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Postpartum depression as a risk factor for children. inclusion of screening for postpartum depression in the practice of primary health care
The main purpose of the article is to review the available scientific data on the effect of postpartum depression in a mother on her newborn child, both in the short and long term. The article also discusses a theoretical model for the introduction of screening for postpartum depression at the level of pediatric primary health care, since mothers of children who are observed in medical organizations are also visitors to medical organizations due to the need to accompany the child until his fifteenth birthday. Currently, there is no legislative regulation in the Russian Federation for screening for the possible presence of such a risk factor in a child as postpartum depression of the mother. Considering periodic preventive visits to the pediatrician by the child accompanied by the mother, doctors can screen for postpartum depression, which is relevant and widespread, especially in urbanized countries, which the Russian Federation is part of.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):16-20
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Intentional self-infliction among male prisoners: characterisics and the provision of medical care
Background. Social isolation and stress lead to autoaggression in prisoners. The aim of the study is to establish the features of intentional self-infliction among male prisoners serving sentences in penitentiary institutions of the Arkhangelsk region; to assess the volume of medical care provided. Materials and methods. 295 case histories (f.003/y) of male prisoners who received specialized medical care in inpatient conditions were used. Results. The majority of autoagressants were young men under the age of 30 (66.1%) who have inflicted one injury on themselves (93.6%). Injuries in the form of a foreign body with localization in the gastrointestinal tract prevailed . Most foreign bodies and induced purulent-inflammatory processes required surgical care (the level of surgical activity was 81.0% and 81.5%, respectively). The average duration of treatment ranged from 16.3 days (95% CI: 10.2-22.4) in the case of primary surgical treatment, wound suturing to 42.2 days (95% CI: 11.5-96.0) in the case of intestinal suturing. Conclusions. The peculiarities of the medical and sanitary consequences of autoaggression among male prisoners confirm their demonstrative nature as a form of behavior of that is not associated with a suicide attempt.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):21-26
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Characteristics of patient satisfaction with the provision of medical care in stationary conditions
The provision of medical care in inpatient conditions is the most expensive item in healthcare, therefore, the study of patient satisfaction with medical care in hospitals is of great importance for the formation of organizational measures aimed at improving the quality and improvement of medical care. The aim of the study is to characterize the satisfaction of patients with medical care in inpatient settings. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the state budgetary healthcare institution of the Samara region (GBUZ SO) «Novokuibyshevskaya Central City Hospital» (NCGB). as part of which there is a polyclinic department and a 24-hour hospital, the bed capacity of which at the beginning of 2022 amounted to 435 beds. Medical care in inpatient conditions was provided by 72 doctors. For the survey, a specially developed «Questionnaire for the study of patient satisfaction with the provision of medical care in inpatient conditions» was used, 587 patients were surveyed. Sociological, analytical and statistical research methods were used. Results. The medical and social characteristics of hospital patients were obtained, as a result of which it was determined that at an average age of 54.0 years, women (61.7%), persons with full secondary education (55.0%), married (55.4%), with a satisfactory financial situation (57.8%), working (47.7%) predominate among patients and unemployed pensioners (33.4%). A satisfactory state of health is noted by 42.8% of patients with an average score on a five-point health scale of 3.1 points). Two thirds (65.8%) of patients are hospitalized for emergency indications, the majority of patients receive medical care at the expense of CHI (89.9%). The average waiting period for planned hospitalization was 9.5 days. Conclusion. The insufficiently high satisfaction of patients with various aspects of medical care in inpatient conditions was noted. Patients are more or less dissatisfied with: the conditions of medical care in the emergency department (in 34.0% with a satisfaction level of 3.9 points), the provision of medical care in the emergency department (in 28.3% of cases with a satisfaction level of 4.0 points), the completeness of information about the hospital (25.0%, 4.1 points), the diagnostic process (28.3%, 4.0 points), the treatment process (27.3%, 4.1 points), sanitary and hygienic conditions (28.9%, 4.0 points), nutrition (32.9%, 3.8 points), relationships with doctors (31.7%, 4.0 points), relationships with average medical workers (26.6%, 4.2 points), provision of medical care in inpatient settings in general (32.7%, 4.0 points).
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):27-34
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Continuity in the staged management of patients with mental illness between the district psychiatric service and inpatient psychiatric institutions
In the context of the modernization of modern psychiatry, characterized by the introduction of community-oriented forms of therapy for patients with mental illness, one of the urgent tasks is to ensure continuity between the outpatient and inpatient stages of patient management. As a result of studying and evaluating the organization of continuity between the outpatient and inpatient links of psychiatric institutions, shortcomings were identified, the elimination of which will improve the quality of medical care for patients with mental illness, including dispensary observation.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):35-39
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Information and communication systems as a factor in the development of medical tourism
The article discusses the development of information and communication technologies that affect the growth of demand for medical tourism services. The review of the most popular mobile applications on the medical tourism market, which act as effective information and communication products, the functionality of which allows a potential medical traveler to get access to complete information about the region, clinic, quality level, price and availability of medical services that he plans to receive outside the country of residence. The conducted research allows us to conclude that at the present stage of digitalization and development of information and communication technologies, mobile applications are an effective tool for the development of medical tourism, since they reduce the transaction costs of the consumer and provide access to information necessary to make a decision about a trip for medical purposes.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):40-43
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Digital technologies and telemedicine development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
The article examines the current trends in the development of telemedicine, the rapid growth of which began during the spread of coronavirus infection. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a driver of the rapid introduction of digital technologies in the field of medicine and healthcare. The paper presents examples of the use of telemedicine technologies in different countries, defines the conditions for the introduction of artificial intelligence, and assesses the prospects for the development of the telemedicine services market.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):44-47
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Factors of motivation of ambulator and public health care workers
Human resources are the most important part of the health care system and are critical in delivering quality health care to the population. The factors of motivation of medical workers may differ depending on the professional and job status, profile and specifics of the activity, gender and sex characteristics, career stage, generation, personal qualities of employees. The article presents a comparative analysis of the labor motives of various professional groups of personnel of budgetary healthcare institutions of an outpatient and inpatient profile. To study labor motivation, the respondents were asked to assess the correspondence of wages to personal labor input, the level of workload at the workplace, and to choose the factors that most motivate them to work. The results obtained can be used by healthcare organizers to select effective incentive tools, create and improve the system of motivation for medical workers.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):48-51
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The level of demographic losses of the population in the regions of the Far North as a medical and social problem
The article presents and analyzes the fertility rates of the Arctic and the Far North for the period 2002-2007 and 2008- 2021, spontaneous abortions and artificial abortions for medical reasons related to fetal VPP and the effect of genetic factors. At the first stage of the study, data on the distribution of age-related fertility rates of women in the Arctic and the Far North Regions are presented in comparison with national data for 2008-2020. Next, the fertility and mortality rates of children of the 1st year of life and the fertility rates of women in this region were calculated. Special attention is paid in the article to the fixation of cases of intrauterine malformations of the fetus up to 28 weeks detected during pregnancy and, in addition, the analysis of data on various types of abortions, including medical indicators, was carried out.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):52-58
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Modern approaches to managing the formation of a healthy lifestyle in school-age children during the period of rehabilitation and organized recreation at FSFEI «ICC «Artek»
This article discusses science-based approaches to the development of measures aimed at creating the proper motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle in school-age children during the period of rehabilitation and organized recreation at the Artek International Children's Center. The results of a sociological study carried out using the questionnaire method are presented. The study involved 96 people, divided into 2 groups, according to the periodization of the mental development of D. B. Elkonin, among whom were students of middle and high schools. Based on the analysis of the obtained data, it was determined that the following violations of the principles of a healthy lifestyle were the most common in the group of younger adolescence: insufficient level of physical activity, an unbalanced regime of work and rest, and in the group of older adolescence, the following violations of the principles of a healthy lifestyle were the most common: violation of the visual regime, insufficient level of physical activity and unbalanced regime of work and rest. In the course of the work, the main channels for obtaining information about a healthy lifestyle by respondents, as well as the most preferred incentive mechanisms for each of the age groups, were identified.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):59-66
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Social problems of older people and successful aging
Every year we see an increase in the social problems of older citizens. Older people, in addition to often experiencing anxiety about their health problems, undoubtedly also feel the psychological excitement that was triggered by retirement. The author of the article shows how social programs can affect life prospects for successful aging, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Successfully aging people add life to their years and enjoy every moment of life.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):67-70
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The chief doctors of the Caucasian Mineral Waters and their contribution to the development of medical practice on the resort in the first half of the XIX century
In the historical literature, the activities of all chief physicians in the development of medical care at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters have not been systematically considered. There are white spots in the history of this issue: the name of the first of them is distorted in a number of sources, the names of the other two have been omitted. The name of F. P. Konradi's successor did not remain in Russian historiography. Over the years, the position of the chief physician of Waters was occupied by: Professor G. I. Sukharev, doctors of medicine H. Gennush, V. P. Creighton, A. B. Tsee, F. P. Konradi, head physician A. D. Ivanov. The first doctors who performed duties during the holiday season did not leave a noticeable trace in the development of the resort, with the exception of Tsee. The most famous was Dr. Conradi, who worked on the Waters constantly. The role of the chief physician has changed over time: from a full-fledged host in all matters to the organizer of spa treatment. In this situation, a doctor without an academic degree, A. D. Ivanov, who did not even leave behind scientific works, found himself in oblivion.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):71-76
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Schistosomiasis control in China in the second half of the twentieth century
Since 1950, the fight against schistosomiasis began in China as part of patriotic campaigns for public health. Initially the disease was the subject of attention of the military leadership, who perceived it as a threat to China security, but then it became a matter for the party and state authorities, who saw it as a cause of decreased productivity. In 1955, at Mao Zedong's initiative, the fight against schistosomiasis became a national cause, involving millions of peasants who were called upon to destroy the intermediate carriers of the disease, Oncomelania snails. During the years of the Great Leap Forward, the Chinese authorities succeeded in achieving unprecedented social mobilization for the struggle for public health. During the Cultural Revolution, thousands of health workers were sent to villages to treat schistosomiasis patients. During the Reform period, the forms of schistosomiasis control changed, but in the public mind, these campaigns were perceived to have been successful. In contemporary China, the schistosomiasis control has become more technological, but the experience of mass public mobilization in the face of the epidemic is still relevant, especially in the context of the fight against coronavirus infection.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):77-80
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N. A. Bernstein - an outstanding physiologist of our time (October 5, 1896 - January 16, 1966)
The article shows the main dates of the biography of Nikolai Alexandrovich Bernstein, the stages of creative biography. The desire for scientific work led N. A. Bernstein to the Central Institute of labor and forever determined the direction of his work - the study of physiology, the study of the problem of living movement, biomechanics. It is indicated that the scientist's idea of sensory corrections became known in modern Cybernetics as the feedback principle decades later, and the theory of motion construction is recognized as an outstanding contribution to science. Attention is paid to the conflict of scientific views of the world-famous Russian scientist I. P. Pavlov and N. A. Bernstein on the physiology of the nervous process. The relevance and relevance of the results of research by N. A. Bernstein in various branches of science and practice, up to the preparation of a person for space flights, is noted.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):81-85
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The story behind the image (delegates’ of the dermatovenerological section of the XII International medical congress in Moscow in 1897 group photo)
The article examines the historical facts related to the organization and holding of the XII International Medical Congress in Moscow in 1897. This is perhaps the only such large-scale international medical event that has ever taken place in Russia. It included 15 sections in all medical fields, including dermatovenerology. At the origins of the organization of this congress in Moscow was Professor N. V. Sklifosovsky, who managed to convince the international organizing committee of the need to hold it in Russia. The section of skin and venereal diseases was headed by Professor A. I. Pospelov, who received guests from all over the world in a new clinic on Devichye Pole. The delegates were shown the highest level of organization of the work of both the clinic and the entire section. Suffice it to point out that such outstanding scientists as M. Kaposi, P. Unna, FA. Allopo, M. Wolf, A. G. Ge, G. R. Crocker, O. Lassar, O. V. Peterson, V. M. Tarnovsky, G. Zeissl, P. V. Nikolsky, T. P. Pavlov and many others. The impressions and memories of the participants about this event are presented, especially about the first day of the meeting. A rare photograph of all participants in the VIII dermatovenerological section of the XII International Medical Congress in the backyard of the clinic for skin and venereal diseases on Devichye Pole is displayed.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):86-92
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Robert Koch's nobel lecture in relation to the epoch. Part I
The paper deals with the Nobel lecture of Robert Koch, in which he pointed out the principles of a successful fight against tuberculosis, and how the measures he listed were presented in the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. An excerpt from Robert Koch's lecture at the Nobel Prize in 1905, which has not previously been translated into Russian, is attached to the paper. In the above fragment, Robert Koch traced how the views of the medical community on the causes of the development of tuberculosis and on the methods of its treatment have changed.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(3):93-96
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