No 4 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 30
- URL:
New approaches to routing patients with suspected malignant neoplasms in the Moscow city polyclini
In order to increase the effectiveness of early diagnosis of oncopathologies, it is advisable to introduce new organizational technologies into the work of outpatient clinics.The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems of routing patients with malignant neoplasms suspected in a city polyclinic.As part of the work, a survey of 103 doctors and 400 patients of the polyclinic was conducted. The data obtained indicate the presence of a number of problems during the passage of a complete diagnostic complex by patients, namely: lack of time for initial and repeated doctor's appointments, the difficulty of recording for all necessary diagnostic studies, the need for multiple visits to undergo a diagnostic complex.At the same time, the prospect of allocating a separate unit for further examination by patients with suspected malignant neoplasms will provide additional time at the reception of specialist doctors for a more thorough examination, will reduce the time of passing the diagnostic complex and, as a result, increase patient satisfaction with the quality of medical care.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):6-10
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The silent epidemic of male suicides: a regional aspect
Measures to prevent male suicides can significantly reduce the overall rates of suicide mortality. The present study of male suicides at the regional level forms a general idea of men as at risk group and sets the direction for possible preventive measures. Time series analysis and regression analysis of indicators of male suicidal mortality in the Kaluga region were carried out using the materials of the Regional statistical bureau «Kalugastat» and the Microsoft Excel. The total number of suicides during the studied period was 3251, of which 83.9% (2728) were male, which led to the absolute superiority of male suicides in all districts of the Kaluga region. In 2003, extremely high rates of suicide mortality were observed in 23 out of 26 districts, in 2018 - only in 8 districts, while no male suicides were registered in 7 districts. 65.9% of all men who committed suicide during the studied period were urbanites, while the frequency of suicide per 100 000 among men is significantly higher in rural areas. The majority of male suicides occur at the working age, in this cohort there are 8 male suicides for 1 female. Local indicators of male suicide mortality draw our attention to the crisis care improvement for this population group.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):11-14
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Experience in organizing three-level medical care in the field of men's reproductive health
The scientific article is an analysis of the experience of a unique healthcare institution - a specialized uroandrological center of the Stavropol Territory in the organization of three-level medical care in the field of male reproductive health.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):15-18
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Sources of information used by patients to make independent decisions when choosing a method of treating and prescribing drugs
The article examines the sources of information used by patients to make independent decisions when choosing a method of treatment and prescribing drugs. Questionnaire data of 400 patients of surgical hospital were used. The following were considered as potential sources of information: media (television and newspapers), special literature (more popular science), relatives and friends, neighbors. Almost half of the respondents, regardless of gender, could not indicate the source of information for independently choosing the method of treatment and medicines when using self-medication. Most respondents heed the advice of others about the choice of treatment and medicines, while half of them found it difficult to name the source of information. This suggests that surgical patients often do not attach importance to the source of information. With increasing age, confidence in the advice of others decreases, but only at the expense of those who never listen to the advice of others, while the proportion of those who listen to the advice decreases slightly. The advice of pharmacists in the pharmacy when buying medicines is very popular. Middle-aged men were more likely to be negative about pharmacist advice, while among women, there were more in younger age groups.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):19-23
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Factor analysis of satisfaction of ultrasound diagnostics doctors in pediatrics with various aspects of their work in medical organizations of different levels
In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to quality management in healthcare. Studying the satisfaction of medical workers with their work, including diagnostic services and creating the necessary conditions for employees is important for improving the quality of medical services. The purpose of the study: to study the satisfaction of ultrasound doctors in pediatrics with various aspects of their work in medical organizations of different levels. A social study was conducted among ultrasound diagnostics doctors in pediatric medical organizations in Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. 70 doctors of ultrasound diagnostics were interviewed by a continuous method about satisfaction with various elements of their work on a five-point Likert scale. Further, a factor analysis of the indicators of satisfaction of doctors with their work was carried out, during which, using the method of analysis of the main components, the results of the survey of respondents were studied depending on the type of medical organizations (children's city polyclinic, children's city hospital, multidisciplinary hospital). According to the results of factor analysis of the satisfaction indicators of ultrasound doctors with their work, depending on the type of MO, statistically significant differences in various factors of work were revealed. Thus, satisfaction with the material and technical factor is higher in the group «children's city polyclinic», the recreational and household factor and the factor of interaction with a nurse are higher in the group «multidisciplinary hospital».
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):24-29
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Analyses of the effectiveness of molecular genetic testing of patients with cancer on the examples of some subjects of the russian federation as the basis for the use of targeted drugs
Most targeted drugs require molecular genetic testing to prescribe. The amounts allocated for the purchase of targeted drugs in the Russian Federation are huge, but the effectiveness of molecular genetic research in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is still unknown. In this work, we have analyzed the actual volumes of molecular genetic testing in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and compared them with the planned ones. Separately, we compared tariffs for certain types of molecular genetic testing between subjects, and also estimated the frequency of prescribing targeted drugs. It turned out that the subjects differ not only in the planned molecular genetic testing, but also in their cost. Moreover, the cost of tariffs between the subjects differed multiple. The frequency of prescription of targeted drugs between subjects also varied greatly and did not correlate with the frequency of molecular genetic testing.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):30-37
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Medical tourism and drivers of its development
The article discusses the development of medical tourism as an actual trend in the export of services. The review of statistical data and the results of sociological studies reflecting the attitude of consumers of tourist services to technologies, products and the results of tourist trips for medical purposes is carried out. The main directions of development of medical tourism in the world and in the Russian Federation are defined.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):38-42
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Innovations in the training of medical specialists
The article discusses approaches to the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of training specialists for the field of medicine and healthcare. Examples of the practice of introducing innovations into the educational process of leading Russian medical universities are given. It is concluded that the emergence and development of innovative digital technologies have played an important role in the education and training of medical staff, expanding methodological and technological approaches to the organization of the learning process through virtual learning, distance learning and other technologies.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):43-46
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An intensive increase of anthropometric indicators of the body is the one of the main features of the first year of a child's life. To ensure an objective assessment of the physical development of children under 1 year of age, it is necessary to consider the values and compare them with the averaged values of these indicators developed and presented in centile tables. A study was conducted to compare the anthropometric indicators of girls and boys under 1-year, registered in the outpatient clinic in Baku (Azerbaijan) during preventive medical examinations as part of the mandatory clinical examination of children.Comparative analysis of mean values showed significant differences in body weight and height during 0-12 months and total chest in the second 6 months of gestational age in boys and girls. There were no significant differences in head circumference in all gender and age groups.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):47-50
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Analysis of legal documents of medical activity in the educational organization of recreation and health improvement of children
The article describes the problems of regulatory legal support of medical activity in an educational organization implementing programs of additional general education. The sphere of recreation and health improvement of children in terms of providing medical activities is experiencing a regulatory deficit and requires close attention from the state regulatory system. The analysis of the procedure for providing medical care to minors during the period of recovery and organized recreation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 327n dated June 13, 2018 from the point of view of the activities of children's centers of international and All-Russian level, was carried out. The features of the work of recreation and recreation organizations for children at risk of the spread of a new coronavirus infection are described. The ways of improving the regulatory regulation of medical activities in the field of recreation and health improvement for the full realization of the right of children to rest, health improvement, basic and additional education are proposed.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):51-56
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Social barriers and facilitators in access to HIV testing, prevention and treatment for transgender women: a scoping review
Transgender women (TGW) are individuals who were assigned male at birth but identify as women. TGW are at high risk of being infected with HIV and face severe barriers in access to HIV-related medical care, including testing, prevention and treatment. The present review aims to summarize the data on social barriers to HIV services for TGW published in English-language literature. Systematic search in Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed was used to identify 53 articles available for analysis. The main barriers include: lack of or insufficient knowledge on HIV issues; stigma; suboptimal organization of medical care; lack of awareness and sensitivity on behalf of medical specialists; barriers related to gender identity; financial barriers; lack of support on behalf of the family and close ones; intersectional discrimination. Raising awareness of medical professionals on trans issues, integration of HIV-related services and transgender healthcare, as well as increasing the diversity of methods of testing and prevention are among the approaches to improving the access to HIV-related care.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):57-64
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Sociocultural aspects of compliance of patients with moderate and high risk of diabetes mellitus
Relevance. One of the most important socio-economic problems, the solution of which is based on a preventive platform, is diabetes mellitus. For the effective implementation of preventive measures, it is important to consider the level of compliance of patients. However, the role of socio-cultural factors in ensuring compliance of patients at risk of diabetes mellitus has not been studied. Objective: to study the socio-cultural aspects of compliance in patients with moderate and high risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Methodology. In the period of 2021, a study was conducted among 400 patients with moderate and high risk of diabetes mellitus using a specially developed questionnaire for assessing patient culture (11 questions) and the «Compliance Level» methodology (R. V. Kadyrov, O. B. Asriyan, S. A. Kovalchuk, 2014). Results and conclusions. According to the results of factor analysis, the most significant socio-cultural factors in ensuring compliance of patients with moderate and high risk of developing diabetes mellitus have been established. A high level of medical, preventive, information culture, food culture and communication have a positive impact on the formation of patients' compliance.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):65-68
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Simulation modeling for assessing the efficiency of using the resources of a medical organization and the quality of medical care in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic
Patient flow management in hospital departments and observance of stages in the provision of medical care should be systematized, determined by the sequence of implementation of standard operating procedures and worked out in experimental simulation models that assess the level and volume of use of the medical organizations resources.This article discusses the principles of using simulation modeling to assess the efficiency of using the resources of a medical organization and the quality of medical care during the COVID-19 epidemic.The work was performed on the basis of the state budgetary health care institution «Noginsk Central District Hospital» on the basis of retrospective data on the results of hospitalization of 7573 patients over the period April 2020 to June 2021.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):69-75
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Competences of the federal executive authorities in the sphere of public health: analysis and prospects for improvement
The state policy in the field of public health protection requires the consolidation of economic, political, social resources, as well as the improvement of sectoral management technologies and mechanisms. The relevance of the identified issues is due to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the specific competencies of the federal executive authorities as a tool for public administration in the field of public health.Objective. The purpose of the article is to assess the competence of federal executive authorities to ensure public health of the population, to analyze the legislative framework and strategic planning documents to eliminate legislative gaps.Methods. The methodological basis of the study is modern methods of scientific knowledge, including: analysis, formal-legal method, modeling method.Results. The result of the study was a holistic description of the sectoral powers and competencies of federal executive authorities, an analysis of regulatory documents regulating the development of areas of public health of the population, which can be used to further improve the competencies of federal executive authorities, including when analyzing public health indicators from the standpoint of intersectoral interaction.Interpretation. The present study is a multidimensional assessment of the competencies of federal executive authorities in the field of public health, which was the basis for the analysis of the powers of specialized executive authorities and consideration of sectoral management functions and powers. The presented research results can be used to clarify a number of sectoral competencies and powers of federal executive authorities.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):76-80
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Medical information systems against medical information risks: the outcome is predictable!
The article systematizes information risks that negatively affect the implementation of medical thinking, identifies the sources of their formation and the main points of application. The rationale for the use of medical information systems as a way to neutralize information risks is given, their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The medical information system «Differentiated Treatment» has been announced, which increases the effectiveness of medical thinking, reducing the risk of errors in the choice of therapeutic factors. Applied approaches to the construction of medical information systems are presented.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):81-88
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Original article Disease and the recovery of the colony: malaria in Hong Kong in the nineteenth century
The history of epidemic control in Hong Kong is closely intertwined with that of mainland China, but it has significant peculiarities. For more than one hundred and fifty years, countering epidemics in Hong Kong was a matter solely for the British colonial administration, while the Chinese authorities were excluded from participating in assessing the scale of Hong Kong's epidemics and developing anti-epidemic mechanisms. A retrospective look at the history of epidemics in British Hong Kong allows not only a broader understanding of the history of Western colonialism in Asia, but also an understanding of the challenges that Western medicine faced outside the West, as well as an introduction to the epidemic control methods used by colonial administrators in the historical territory of China. An illustrative example of this is the malaria epidemic of 1843, which caused great casualties among the early Western inhabitants of Hong Kong and led to the subsequent adoption of extraordinary measures for the recovery of the colony.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):89-93
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Robert Koch's Nobel lecture in relation to the epoch. part ii
The paper discusses the second part of Robert Koch's Nobel Lecture, devoted to the development of medical legislation, the guidelines development for the TB registration, as well as methods for preventing tuberculosis and the importance of disseminating medical knowledge among the population. Furthermore, the paper summarizes the materials on the history of medical educational initiatives of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):94-98
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Organization and conduct of scientific work at the department of social hygiene of the medical faculty of the I Moscow State University in the period from 1922 to 1930
On February 20, 1922, the Department of Social Hygiene was formed at the Medical Faculty of the First Moscow State University. One of the important tasks solved by its employees was the organization and conduct of scientific work aimed at studying social conditions and factors affecting the public health of workers and the justification for their health measures. Despite the difficult conditions in which the department worked for the first decade, full-time employees of the department and students studying at it were involved in research activities. The accumulated scientific and pedagogical experience allowed the Department of Social Hygiene to successfully join the I Moscow Medical Institute in 1930 and continue its scientific and educational activities to the present day.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):99-103
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Blood transfusion as an innovation in medicine (From animal blood drinks to the dream of «biotech»)
The article presents the history of the development of transfusiology in the world and in Russia (USSR), from the first mention of the use of blood in the ancient period to the opening of the Institute of Blood Transfusion in the 20th century. Achievements of outstanding foreign and domestic scientists and medic (William Harvey, Karl Landsteiner, James Blundell, Alexander Malinovsky (Bogdanov), Nikolai Pirogov and many others), who made a significant contribution to scientific and technological progress, in particular, to the development of healthcare. The periods of discoveries and prohibitions of scientific research concerning transfusions are considered. It is emphasized that in the 19th-20th centuries there were serious changes in the procedure for collecting and storing blood, which made it possible to optimally solve practical issues, especially during the war years. The introduction of the method of blood reinfusion is described. It is shown that Russia in the innovation process acted as a catching up party. Although, rather, it was sluggishness, allowing you to reap the fruits of trial and error of the West, introducing the most proven developments in the country.The aim of the study was to reproduce the main stages in the history of the development of transfusiology.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):104-109
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Activities of the infectious diseases hospital in Minsk during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1944)
The article reflects history of the Infectious Diseases Hospital from its opening in 1913 before the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. On the basis of archival documents, the author has identified interesting facts in the activities of the hospital during the occupation of Minsk by German fascist invaders. Listed Hospital departments and their heads, number of staff during the war years, hospital management. The article describes the structural of each subdivisions of the hospital, difficulties in support of medical process. Showing the work of a pharmacy in supplying the hospital departments with medical drugs, including those made in the pharmacy.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):110-114
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Lessons learned from war injuries in children during the post-war period in the USSR (1946-1950)
The article presents the results of historical and medical research, indicating a high level of injuries among the child population in the USSR in the post-war period (1946⸻1950) and reflecting the upcoming measures to struggle with such an important medical and social problem as childhood military traumatism. An analysis of the archival documents of the USSR Ministry of Health and the scientific works of scientists indicates that, despite a slight decrease of the child military injuries level in large cities by 1948, in many regions further work was required to develop children's orthopedics. In this regard, the central health authorities in 1949 convened the All-Union Conference on Childhood Traumatism and Orthopedics and initiated a number of important measures for helping children with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including the deployment of traumatology and orthopedics institutions, active identification of children, who needed the use of prosthetic and orthopedic products, the organization of sanatorium schools for children and adolescents who required long-term orthopedic treatment, the creation of conditions for their normal education and adaptation to work skills.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):115-118
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Tuberculosis as an occupational pathology: to the discussion about the list of occupational diseases in the 1920s
The heated debates about the composition of the List of Occupational Diseases giving the right to a pension for disabled workers took place in the 1920s. The analysis of specific proposals and counter-proposals helps to identify the direction of health care and social protection development in the 1920s-1930s and later. In the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century before the mass use of antibiotics tuberculosis made a significant contribution to the population decline in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. The recognition of tuberculosis as an occupational disease, at least for certain industrial workers, meant a big change in the health care and social protection development. A compromise solution was reached after long discussions, which was of fundamental importance for the following decades.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):119-123
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The role of I. I. Betsky at the beginning of smallpox vaccination in Russia and countering epidemics (the second half of the XVIII century.)
The article defines the role of Catherine II's associate I. I. Betsky at the beginning of smallpox vaccination in Russia in the second half of the XVIII century and in countering epidemics. On his initiative, in the spring of 1768, a few months before the vaccination of the Empress and the heir to the throne, 80 pupils of the school at the Academy of Arts and the Smolny Institute were vaccinated with smallpox. In 1791, I. I. Betskoy published a treatise on smallpox vaccination and recommendations for combating epidemics based on the experience of countering the employees of the Moscow Foundling House under his leadership of the plague epidemic in 1771-1772.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):124-129
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From the history of the development of medicine and healthcare in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation
The article considered the history of the development of medicine and healthcare in the Kaliningrad region in various historical periods. Information is given about outstanding doctors and scientists who worked in the region and their scientific achivements. The features of the formation and development of healthcare in the period of the USSR and modern Russia are considered. The analysis allows us to formulate the main features of the development of healthcare in the region and identify issues and problems of the methodology of studying medicine and healthcare.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):130-133
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W. I. Dal - a doctor who owns the word
The article is devoted to the medical activity of the great creator of the Russian dictionary V.I.Dal. Many of us are well aware of the merit of V. I. Dal before Russian literature, but only the true experts of his work are aware of the undoubted abilities of Vladimir Ivanovich in the field of medicine. Meanwhile, in the biography of V. I. Dahl has a lot of bright moments confirming his undoubted contribution to the development of medicine as a scientist and as a practicing doctor.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):134-137
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History of the development of Chelyabinsk medical organizations at factories in the soviet period
The article describes the history of the formation and development of assistance to workers of industrial enterprises on the example of the city clinical hospital No. 6 (Medical Unit at ChMZ factory) and the city clinical hospital No. 8 (Medical Unit at ChTZ factory) of the Chelyabinsk city in the Soviet period. The main stages of these medical institutions development are presented. It is described how from small medical outpatient clinics located in barracks at the factories, these medical institutions have turned into multidisciplinary hospitals serving the entire city today. Emphasis is on the activities of outstanding doctors who worked in hospitals from the very foundation and contributed to the development of the city's healthcare.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):138-142
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R. K. Chailakhyan and bone marrow stem cells: discovery, stages of study and application in clinic
The article is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Ruben Karpovich Chailakhyan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, an outstanding scientist, who has been heading the laboratory of stromal regulation of immunity for more than 25 years at the Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N. F. Gamaleya. Thanks to the method of selective cloning of cells in monolayer cultures developed by Chailakhyan, stem stromal cells of the bone marrow were discovered. Number of cells has been determined, properties, differentiation and proliferative features have been studied. Reverse transplantation of monoclonal diploid strains into the body revealed a category of stem stromal progenitor cells responsible for organizing the hematopoietic and lymphoid microenvironment, providing the formation of hematopoietic and immune organs. These cells represent an independent cell line, histogenetically independent of hematopoietic stem cells. They are pluripotent and, when transplanted back into the body, provide the formation of bone, cartilage, reticular and adipose tissues. The resulting bone tissue is complete and suitable for repopulation by hematopoietic cells, which leads to the formation of a bone marrow organ. The reticular tissue of splenic fibroblasts provides the formation of a stroma that supports the differentiation of B cells to antibody-forming ones. The discovery of bone marrow stromal stem cells, data on their differentiation and proliferative potential formed the basis for the concept of hematopoietic microenvironment, which has international recognition. R. K. Chailakhyan is one of the authors of this concept. The research results are of fundamental importance in the development of cell technologies and tissue engineering for regenerative medicine. The created experimental model of restoring the integrity of bone tissue made it possible to introduce into the clinic a method for replacing bone defects by autotransplantation of osteogenic bone marrow cells grown outside the body. The method of restoring hyaline cartilage in chondropathy caused by trauma to the knee or large joints is based on the same biotechnological principle. Priority is given to data on the use of autologous bone marrow stromal stem cells tissue-engineered constructs that replace the rupture of the Achilles tendon and ensure complete regeneration of the tendon tissue. In order to optimize the terms of treatment and rehabilitation of patients, work is currently underway to find factors (laser exposure, EHF radiation, etc.) that stimulate the formation of the number of bone marrow cells required for autotransplantation, cultured outside the body.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):143-147
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Results of preventive medical examinations as an indicator of the effectiveness of regional policy in the field children's health
Indicators of the health status of children cause reasonable concern. More than half of children aged 0-17 in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic have a chronic pathology that needs correction. Of particular concern is the state of health of adolescents, including young men. After graduation, only 40% of teenagers are absolutely healthy. The analysis of the obtained results indicates characteristic regional and all-Russian trends in the state of children's health. Reserves for improving the quality indicators of children's health are defined in the regional policy in the field of children's health. Priorities in the field of children's healthcare are reflected in the state programs of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The effectiveness of the implementation of the program's targets makes it possible to increase the availability and quality of medical care for children and improve the health status of the child population.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):148-152
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Homicide: challenge for public health and preventive medicine
The article discusses homicide as a problem of modern public health and preventive medicine. Information on the epidemiology of homicidal acts in Russia is given; it is stated that the prevalence of lethal criminal violence remains high. The author provides a classification of risk factors. Suggestions for potential directions of homicidal violence prevention are made.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):153-156
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Studying disproportions in the development of pharmaceutical science: a global aspect
The paper considers the dynamics of the development of the global pharmaceutical industry in the «Center-Periphery» model. A number of main trends and disproportions accompanying this development have been identified.
Bulletin of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health. 2022;(4):157-160
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